My Precious Little Sinner

It’s been a little while since I have written on here. Life has been busy with two kids, but I am absolutely loving it! I don’t even really remember what things were like with only one because two kids has become the new normal. 🙂 

This doesn’t mean that there are not challenges at times. My 22 month old daughter is “experimenting” with the terrible two’s stage. I say “experimenting” because I am doing everything in my power to keep that child from completely stepping into that stage. This behavior in her is so hard because she is such a sweet spirited child. Such a loving, caring, gentle little girl that is a little sinner. I see her precious little face when she is crying because she just feels like it and I just want to hug her close because she is experiencing so much change with a new baby in the house and I know it has been an adjustment for her. Don’t get me wrong, she absolutely loves her baby brother. Every minute she is begging me to let her hold him, “Mum! I hold! I hold!” (how do you say no to that???) 

I have really been trying to be very consistent in discipline with her. I refuse to let satan win as my little girl sins. I often find myself praying throughout the day for God to just give me strength to go just one more hour without losing my patience with her. I need to keep reminding myself that she is in a time of her life where my guidance is so important as I teach her right from wrong. God gives me that strength on those days where she tests those terrible two waters every moment of the day. 

Something my husband and I have always had our daughter do when she has disobeyed or done something wrong is to apologize. This started before she started saying any words. So when we would ask her to say that she is sorry, she would just give us a hug. Once she started saying more and more words I started wondering if she really understood what saying sorry really was because she would still just hug us and not say anything. 

Well, just the other day she was sitting in timeout and through her tears she cries out, “MUM! IM SAWY! IM SAWY!” My heart just broke into a million pieces. Those words I had hoped she would learn to say she finally said and of course I found myself giving in to her cuteness. 😉 I stayed strong, but when timeout was over that sweet girl got lots of hugs and kisses. 

Being a mother is hard at times, but can be so rewarding! Those special moments when she crawls up on my lap, puts both her little hands on each side of my face and leans in for a kiss. *sigh* Those are the moments that make all those tough moments worth it! 

So there is my thought of the day. I love being a mommy to these little ones and they are such a blessing to me! 

Thank you, God, for blessing me with these precious little gifts and choosing me to be their mommy. 








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