A Special Man I Know

Today I want to tell you about a special man I know…

A tender hearted man who would do anything for his family.

A man who married a woman who could not have children and took the journey of adoption with her.

A husband who loves his wife dearly.

A man who, along with his wife, adopted a 17 month baby girl right out of a foster home and a 3 day old baby girl and loved them as their own.

A Daddy who proudly took on the name “Dawoo” given to him by his youngest daughter

A Daddy who could never be trusted getting up in the middle of the night with his baby girls because it always became play time. 

A man with an incredible musical gift.

A man who is absolutely the funniest person I know.

A man who some may call, “Bubba Boo” 

A man who has the most quickest mathematical skills I have ever seen.

A Dad who through much frustration tried his best to teach his daughters math. 

A man who traveled a lot for business, but in return was able to take his family on adventures and vacations of a lifetime.

A man who called his little girls every night while he was away to say goodnight.

A Daddy who tucked his girls in, prayed with them and kissed them goodnight.

A Daddy who could never truly spank his sweet little girls because he is such a tender man.

A man who raised his family to honor God in all that they do.

A man who is one of the most selfless men I know.

A man who hates getting credit for things because he is so humble. 

A man who is a servant.

A man of God. 

A man who was and always will be a beautiful example of what a Godly husband and father is.

A man who would be angry at his children for awful choices, but his anger was nothing but a true love for them.

A man who is merciful. 

A Daddy who showed such unconditional love, grace and mercy to a lost daughter who made a choice to marry without his blessing.

A man who chose to love his son-in-law who did not start out being welcomed into his family.

A man who went through such pain over his daughter getting married without his blessing, but then helped her and her new husband get back on their feet after her husband lost his job.

A man who is now considered by his son-in-law as a close friend.

A pastor who finds such joy in God’s calling for him to lead worship.

A Papau who has a crazy love for his grand kids. 

A Papau who would drop what he is doing and offer a ride to the doctor for his granddaughter.

A man who is absolutely the most generous person I have ever met.

A man who has a tender heart, mercy, grace and love like his own father did.

A Daddy who calls himself a prince to his little princesses.

A man that I often shed tears over because I am so blessed to have him in my life.

A man who I call my prince and my Dad. 

In honor of Fathers Day on Sunday I wanted to let you all know how wonderful my dad is. It all started when I was 3 days old and needed a family and God chose Brian Felten to be my dad. How blessed I am. How incredibly proud I am to be his daughter.

Thank you, dad, for all that you do for me and my family and thank you for raising me in a Godly home and for being a wonderful encouragement, example and dad to my husband as well. You are such a gift.

Happy Father’s Day!

I love you Dawoo.


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